Here's a new summery wallpaper for you! Based on the view from our cottage window where Simon and I stayed in England recently. Enjoy :)
Desktop version: (To change out your desktop wallpaper, click image to open full size. Right-click to save the image to your computer, then switch out your wallpaper.)
Tablet version: (Click and hold image from your phone/tablet. Save image to your camera roll, then switch out your wallpaper in Settings.)
iPhone version: (Click and hold image from your phone/tablet. Save image to your camera roll, then switch out your wallpaper in Settings.)
p.s. Wallpapers are free for non-commercial use. Please give attribution when sharing and free feel to share with your friends! thank you! sara
Joan on Jun 27, 2019
Well, this has to be one of my all time FAVORITE’s !! Thank you for always sharing your lovely art with us……xoxo