June 8, 2020
Dear friends,
I’ve had a hard time trying to figure out how to address what the heck is going on in the world. It’s unfathomable, horrible, and sad... and been going on way too long.
What is comforting is knowing that so many of us are rallied together right now. I’ve seen and clicked through countless links of what to read, where to donate, and where to sign. And I’ll continue to educate myself, broaden my scope, speak out when I see or hear racism, and give what I can. I hope you will, too.
I want my nieces and nephews to grow up accepting others for who they are, not by their skin color. I hope that together we can change the landscape once and for all.
Please vote.
Please help others see.
Each month, Sara Parker Textiles and Maisilene will be making a donation to an organization fighting for civil justice, under-represented minorities and climate change. This month we’ve made a donation to the ACLU of Georgia.
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